That Darn Punk (2001 Video)
THAT DARN PUNK a darn shame.
11 May 2001
Hoo boy. Here's a film with a built in fan base that's going to love it no matter what. I could think of a lot things to say but it'd be a waste of my time. The acting stinks, the writing worse, and I can't remember the last time I was bored by a movie because of it's uninspired camera work. The back of the box makes the claim that 'THAT DARN PUNK is the first film of it's kind to actually entertain audiences worldwide while completely ignoring the Hollywood machine'. What KIND of film are they talking about? What KIND of vague statement is that? THAT DARN PUNK is all that's bad with independent cinema and that SELWYN'S NUTS trailer at the beginning (has to be the worst trailer ever assembled from a technical standpoint)looks even worse. I guess this is what happens when self-styled punk rockers make a punk rock movie. Punk rock movie. Who are they fooling?
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