Perhaps the best comedy in the new millennium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 April 2002
I went into the Scorpion King hoping to be mildly entertained. Little did I know that I would be experiencing one of the finest pieces of comedic cinema ever to grace the screen. Yes, the Scorpion King is not just a movie, but an EXPERIENCE.

Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson gives a physical comedic performance that could only be matched by Charlie Chaplin. Mr. Johnson can make constipated faces like no one else. Every vein bulges out of his tree trunk thick neck. His teeth grind together so hard sparks almost fly. His eyes squint in agony. The best examples of this in the movie is when he gets shot in the calf by an arrow tainted with scorpion's poison and when he gets shot in the back with an arrow while saving Kelly Hu. "We can get the poison out, but the blood of the scorpion will always flow in his veins."

The Scorpion King also has fabulous editing. Every slow motion shot has perfect timing. Whoever cut this movie deserves some sort of accolade.

The movie also has great writing. -"You should be glad we share the same mother." -"Are you ready to stand alone and face the fury of his armies?" "Yes." And every line that was molded for the scruffy, rag-tag sidekick. In what other place could you find a movie with a sorceress who loses her powers because she has sex? (Thanks to the writers for not putting in a gratuitous sex scene showing the Rock. I might have been scarred for life.)

Overall this movie should be watched by those who enjoy only the best of comedic cinema. Not seeing it would be a great folly.

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