Review of Tape

Tape (2001)
26 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I try to like Independent movies, I really do. I mean, at least I do *watch* them, giving them half a chance. This movie left me wishing my hubby would have found something else to rent.

The acting in this isn't bad, with Ethan Hawke as my personal favorite. However, I am sick and tired of movies with interesting or edgy ideas, and fairly good actors, getting acclaim when the dialogue is such crap. It seems filmmakers want to pull off the whole Pulp Fiction type of dialogue, but that's a rare talent. Few actors or writers could hold your attention for five minutes talking about a foot massage. Anyway, back to TAPE.


When we first meet Ethan Hawke's character, we're not sure what to think. He's in a dumpy motel room. Soon, his "best buddy" comes over to greet him, thanks him for coming to town to see the premiere of his new movie.

Soon, the "big movie guy" starts cracking on his loser buddy, who is *only* a fireman, oh and a drug dealer. Mr. Loser gets all defensive, and then eventually the conversation steers to a former mutual love interest. Blah blah blah. Gradually Mr. Loser gets Mr. Big Guy to admit that he date-raped the mutual love interest 10 years ago.

Mr. Loser pulls out a tape and shows off the fact he has evidence of the indescretion. Mr. Loser says the girl (rape victim) is on the way over, and Mr. Big Guy ought to apologize to her.

Uma arrives. More boring conversation, blah blah blah.

The funniest part about the whole movie in my opinion is when Uma's character tricks Mr. Loser to flush a ton of drugs down the toilet.


Having good actors in a good story with poor dialogue is just as bad as having poor actors in a multi-million dollar production of the same lame story we always see. At least the latter might make me laugh. For instance, Black Knight. Not going to win awards, but still entertaining. To me anyway :o)

Speaking of laughs, this subject matter is nothing to laugh at, yet I found myself laughing in a couple (inappropriate) spots.

One more thing; I had to listen to the movie a lot, rather than watch it, because the constant swinging back and forth between the characters faces while they gave one or two word replies in conversation was dizzying. Ick. Ok, that's not "artsy," it's sickening.
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