The Hours (2002)
Left me cold
29 August 2004
I actually attempted to read the book by Stephen Daldry after watching this movie- and again, I found the same problem. It was slow and boring.

I really did not like this film at all- it was just too moody. It tried to be really deep, to be meaningful- it tried too hard. When a film tries too hard to reach something, it usually sucks. Certainly was the case with 'The Hours'.

You probably all know the Virginia Woolf story, so I won't go into too much depth.

I really did not believe Kidman should have won that Oscar for this- much acting wasn't required, except endless moodiness. The only reason she won was because of the physical transformation...and that prosthetic nose. Kidman certainly hasn't reached her peak as an actor, and this film was no exception. She did little to convey the emotional state of Woolf, the role was so complex, as Virginia was a complex soul, yet Kidman made her look shrewish, cold and, quite frankly, off in la-la land. Maybe the writing was to blame (so one-dimensional, hardly any character explanation).

Moore was the saving grace for me in the movie. Hers was the only character I could feel anything for, she played the part perfectly. Ed Harris was good, too.

Meryl Streep..I've never been a big fan of hers. She has always been so clinical in her acting. She is never actually believable, can never convey emotions that strongly. She acts with her brain, not her heart. She did the same with this movie- there could have been so much more brought to the role of Clarissa, but Streep failed.

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