Au Pair II (2001 TV Movie)
New twists in the sequel
17 November 2001
A year or two later things have changed for the Caldwell family. Heidi Lenhart stars again as Jenny with shorter hair and now a co-worker at the Caldwell Corp that now has formed a merger with Carl Sennhauser. Carl has two adult kids, Cassandra and Michael and they're not too pleased about the merger so they try to figure out a way to destroy Oliver. Their niece Brigitte, who is the same age as the Caldwell kids Alex and Katie enjoy everything that technology has to offer. Meanwhile Oliver and Jenny are trying to keep their relationship hush hush from the nosey reporters who are curious about what the two are up to and to top it off when Alex and Katie's grandma Nell enters she seems not pleased by the relationship of Jenny and Oliver. With the new president chair on stake Cassandra and Michael want to make sure Oliver doesn't take over what they think is rightfully theirs so they create a little distraction for Oliver and Jenny...

I think I preferred the first Au Pair because it was much more simple, but I don't have any complaints with Au Pair II. There are a lot more twists, more bad guys and a lot more fun. The kids Jake Dinwiddie and Katie Volding were great. Brigitte was played by Celine Massuger and even though she had a very good part, she was good, but her accent was annoying! Half the things she said made me just say huh? The English French accent was so hard to understand. Gregory Harrison again as the first Au Pair was fun to watch in a different role.
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