14 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A very slow movie. The acting is good, there could be no other alternative if you have Tom Hanks and Paul Newman. But their characters are so cold, that you rarely feel sympathy for them, What's more, you don't feel compel to hate them, or, in general, feel something for them. They seem so distant, so plain, uninteresting. Tired, would be a very accurate word. And then, the story has serious flaws. Are we going to believe that a man alone can bring chaos to a crime organization just by himself?. Was it so hard for a cold blooded maffia just to find the man and eliminate the problem? And over and over again, you can predict what's going to happen, until the very end. There are few surprises. In my concept, the story is not a complete waste, and the movie could have been more, if not for the slow pace, and lack of emotion, which, sorry to say, Mr. Mendes, seems to be the director's fault.
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