Take that pencil out of your NOSE!
24 February 2001
A Belgian police inspector, Rick Van Houtte (Leslie de Gruyter), is given the task of solving the `pencil murders' case. Since a short while ago, beautiful young women have been found dead, a pencil pushed up their nose. To make things worst, Rick must face up to his cheating wife. But thanks to a new friendship with Rick, the forensic photographer, Rick will regain confidence in himself and soon discover the identity of the killer…

`He fills your head with lead!' could have been the tagline for this extremely bad suspense flick. Directed by a Belgian unknown, this turkey is very similar to the Italian gialli, however with absolutely no intrigue. Within the first ten minutes, even the dumbest viewer forms his own theory, and the film goes on, never trying to throw him off track. No red herrings. Not one! Needless to say that the murder scenes rank among the less spectacular ever filmed… The jazz soundtrack is rather out of context, and the direction of photography exposes electric blue night scenes and a budgeted storyboard. The film also proves to be very racist towards blacks; a reflection of 80's Belgian society? To sum it up, a waste of time. The writer should have taken his pencil out of his nose and changed the script!

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