Must see for anyone interested in the human condition.
26 February 2004
Not the best film. Terrific acting. Now I want to see what else the lead actors were in. Since it's true to life, it's an eye opener for those who've been shielded from the world. The depraved acts people become involved in, when they only focus on themselves & what will give them pleasure at the moment. But it shows that you still make yourself who you are. No one else is ultimately responsible for your choices, other than yourself. LOVE is real. I started watching it on TV & got involved. I had to see the outcome. I was provoked, insighted, hurt, sad, & happy. I've gone trough one similar experience as Catarina Scorsone's character had to deal w/ & I didn't have a loved one to help me through it. But am a better person now, in spite of or because of it. I'll change that old adage "What doesn't kill us only has the potential for us to make ourselves stronger"
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