Review of Circuit

Circuit (2001)
Long, self-indulgent, badly acted
8 September 2002
I really thought this film would never end. If they had managed to shave an hour off the jumbled, cliche-packed story and edit it together in a way that gave the film any sort of flow, it might have been bearable, but as-is it was all I could to not to walk out. The lead actor's entire emotional range consisted of grinning, not grinning, and a really brief bit of rage. Kiersten Warren's performance as the straight ex-girlfriend was the only remotely watchable bit, aside from the token Bruce Villanch cameo. The strange color shifts of the low-quality DV were tremendously annoying. Even all the hot beefcake eyecandy wasn't enough to save this from the hell of bad amateur filmmaking. I usually have a huge soft spot for any vaguely gay film, even something as depressing and nihilistic as this one, but this was just too much tripe.
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