Review of Circuit

Circuit (2001)
Cheesefest Deluxe
7 July 2002
I can't say I wasn't warned, BUT: boy does this movie suck. (Not a pun, but if it was, it would have more of a sense of humor than anything in this ham-handed melodrama.) Circuit can't quite make up its mind: is it a hard-hitting expose of or a celebration of the circuit scene? The moral seems to be, Don't let this happen to you, but: how pretty! Man, does the circuit life ruin you, yet: see how pretty they all are! Director Shafer just can't decide whether to be repulsed or turned on, and my guess is he's a bit of both, though this dichotomy isn't entertaining or thought-provoking. Not quite bad enough to be funny (except near the end when Hector is "floating" above his bed and I laughed REALLY LOUDLY, only to realize no one else was laughing along with me), and certainly not good enough to take even remotely seriously. I will say, on the plus side, that I liked Kiersten Warren as John's roommate Nina (though she isn't quite up to her big dramatic moment), and of course Nancy Allen is always a joy, even with a nothing role like what she's given here. Circuit doesn't have enough humor to give us a Kristine W. remake of "Theme from Valley of the Dolls." This is just a boring dud--but how pretty!
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