Review of Amélie

Amélie (2001)
The race is over
28 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
When I left the theater last night, I had that elated, buzzing, and yet somewhat sad feeling that means only one thing: I knew the race was over. I had seen the best movie of 2001.

I've read several of the comments picking Amelie apart. That's fine, that's what this forum is for. But I disagree with the critics, and I agree with the fans: I think this is an astonishing film.

I always judge a movie on its own terms. I don't judge it on some outside criteria of how long it should be, how realiastic it should be. A movie should not be a confirmation of our own worldview. It should be a trip into another person's head, a taste of someone else's vision.

And the vision of this director, Jeunet, is nothing less than stunning.

I had seen City of Lost Children, and was ready for the visual feast. But Jeunet has taken a huge step forward here. Has a female character been more lovable than Amelie since Audrey Hepburn played Holly Golightly? The palate of characters is funny, human, tragic, and full of longing. The movie pushes you to the edge of your imagination in an exhilarating and yet confident way.

Go to the theater ready to laugh, ready to fall in love, and ready to experience something wonderfully different. Do this, and Amelie will make you believe in the magic of film.
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