The Lost World (1999 TV Movie)
The Lost Show
23 June 2001
The television version of a feature film of the same name,The Lost World,is nothing more than an adult version of "Land Of The Lost".You get a group of six supposed adventurers put them in a world that has a variety of dangers and tension,have them go through this Fantasy Island type world meeting up with different types of problems and getting out of them by the end of the hour and you have yourself a run of the mill action adventure TV show.

The funny,or sad,thing about The Lost World is the men here are all soft as sushi.You have the old professor ,hardly a person suited for this type of recreation.You have the other professor ,somewhat younger than the old man,but a professor all the same,really ,again,not the type of man suited for this outdoor adventure.You have the indecisive soft newspaper writer,a fellow out of place here,no doubt.Then you have the royal heir who is a rugged man fit for this kind of adventure,but he always seems like is looking as if he is scared out of his wits by something.

The women are different.They are the strong heroes of the show.Rachel Blakeley's character is the smart mouth type who always seems to get what she wants and never gets hurt.Then there is Jennifer O Dell who is the real hero of the show.Her "Veronica" beats up men much larger than she and she never shows fear.Plus that skimpy outfit of hers is simply too much.Her looks and body are great but once in awhile it would be good if Veronica showed a bit of vunerabilty.I don't if it is the water down there in New Zealand or what but shows down there portray women as strong and active and men as wimps and weak.It is certainly true on The Lost World.

If the show were more balanced and better written,The Lost World might be worth looking at.But don't waste your time doing so.You shall be glad you didn't.
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