Just when you thought horror was dead...
4 November 1999
Along comes HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL. Okay, it might not be a remake, but it certainly lives up to the high expectations of the Vincent Price original. Not only does this film have some of the all-out creepiest scenes in cinematic history, but it's also chock full of gore, comedy, and surprisingly good acting. As a fan of both Jeffrey Combs and Geoffrey Rush, I was most pleased with their excellent performances. However, I was shocked to find myself laughing at Chris Kattan, who I'm sure many of us have had a death wish for since NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY came out. Well, regardless, HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL is a fantastic new horror film that should become an instant hit. Perhaps the re-emergence of actually creepy horror will strike a nerve in Hollywood and we fans could see more films like this. Congrats to Dark Castle Entertainment for an amazing first film! I hope all the others are just as good!
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