Along with 'Gattaca' this is the best genre Sci-Fi movie since 'Blade Runner'
13 June 2003
A superb, long (possibly the biggest flaw), thought-provoking and gripping thriller from a short story by the great sci-fi visionary Philip K. Dick, this is one of the very best movies of 2002.

The story does not stick close to Dick's original story but I care not as what Spielberg has achieved is truly a riveting and absorbing sci-fi thriller that like so few other modern sci-fi movies, does not rely on action for its effect but ideas. There is certainly enough action to please most people however.

Tom Cruise gives a great performance in an atypical role - he is hero with deeply ingrained flaws - and has to carry the film as he is in almost every scene.

The plot is excellent. The script is spare and incisive and even manages to find room for humour - kudos to the writers. Spielberg takes a few artistic risks and here unveils what is possibly his darkest film to date.

A great movie, a superior companion piece to that other excellent Summer 2002 release, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. It is most heartening that films of this quality are being released during the summer months when as recently as 1998 we had to make do with trash like 'Armageddon', 'Godzilla', and 'The Avengers'. (I think that it is primarily 'The Matrix' that is responsible for the upsurge in the quality of summer blockbusters)

Similar movies recommended: Total Recall, The Game, The Fugitive (1993)
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