Killer Bud (2001)
Funny enough to watch
3 May 2004
I had no idea what to expect when I saw this movie on my cable guide but I thought, 'Hey, a stoner movie with two actors who seem to be real-life bad can it be?" It actually wasn't bad. This is no Raging Bull but it isn't supposed to be. The plot is ridiculous at best, but that should be what you expected, if not - read the title again.... The characters, Waylon and Buzz - am I the only one who noticed that their names are - wailin' buzz (dude!)? are goofy at best but that's what you want in this movie. It's nice to see Parker Louis working again and David Faustino, well.he's perfect as a Bud Bundy re-hash sort of character. The girls are good but secondary as far as the over-all movie goes. They are integral to the plot of, `get weed, get girls, get food for now hungry girls, get laid"; but seem to take a back seat to the action. Memorable characters include the Gooch and the goofball of a store clerk. Peruvian Butt Pot is hysterical though highly overpriced - grin Look for Buzz sucking on a pot-vision sized can'll see. Feed bags are actually a great marketing name but don't realize their full potential. Character development is nil, as expected. The claymation is a nice touch. If you need too much delving into this movie, you shouldn't watch it. If you are hangin' with the guys and need something stupid/funny to watch while you're imbibing - this is your flick.

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