Killer Bud (2001)
Misses the mark
20 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
(Minor spoilers) Killer Bud had a lot of potential, but came up a little short. The plot is promising for a movie of this type - two guys meet a couple of girls in a bar and they need to get some weed for the girls in order to obtain sex. But little do they know that the girls think they're complete losers and are only in it for the weed. They end up getting trapped in a convenient store while the girls wait impatiently at the guys' house. I don't know if this movie was altogether funny. There were a few laughs, but not many. The sad part is the killer puppy was probably the funniest of the characters. The one good thing about the movie is that although the guys are loseres and not too bright, they aren't completely idiots like the two guys in Roxbury and Dumb & Dumber. However, the whole point of a movie like this is to see the guys score with the chicks. And even though I was mainly bored through the whole movie, I kept watching to find out what would happen at the end. The fact that the guys didn't score with the girls they were after made the whole thing seem pointless. Though it still has a happy ending, I was left disappointed. This might be one to watch with a few friends while drunk or high, but I wouldn't recommend it if you plan on watching it alone.
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