Desert Saints (2002)
A movie that is like an idling automobile!
10 March 2002
This movie apparently STARTS at one point, and could be said to end at a later time. However, the moments from start to finish are painfully slow and there is a biting lack of dialogue or action, all interspersed with pointless momemnts of complete nothingness! It's like this movie is a void!

There may be some who think the story progresses nicely, revealing new plot points at just the right points. To these people, I must ask if they were watching the same film as the one I saw! The story is shallow, the characters are shallow, and the directing is mediocre at best.

At just over 2 hours, this film is a complete waste of time. It's existence is completely unjustifiable. Of course, that could be said of many movies that actually see theatrical release in recent years. My advice: Avoid this film unless you're doing a study in how to make a below-average modern-noir film.
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