Review of Happy, Texas

Happy, Texas (1999)
Cute Extended Sitcom
28 September 1999
I saw this movie for free, and I enjoyed every minute of it, but if I had paid $10, I'm not so sure I would have enjoyed it, or even gone.

This is basically a generic romantic comedy with slightly better characters and slightly better actors. Ally Walker is very appealing without being constructed from the start for maximum adorability, like any number of women in bigger budget romantic comedies. Steve Zahn is amusing, but doesn't break any new ground. For some reason I always enjoy seeing Illeana Douglas. Jeremy Northam is fine, sounds American and all, but... why him for this? Why this for him? Sure, it's a step up from Mimic, but after Emma and The Winslow Boy?

The one reason to see this movie is William Macy. He was SO wonderful and open and vulnerable as the sheriff with a secret that I really felt for his plight as you would for a friend. He was really the most developed and likable of the characters here. And I think it's good that the audience (at least as I saw it) is much more concerned with whether he'll end up happy than anyone else.

There were a lot of annoying inconsistencies, like where the two convicts are getting their fabulous wardrobe from. And why Ally Walker seems to have gotten a perm for one scene and then taken it out for the next. But the movie is so slight that it is't worth caring about.

This is one of those Miramax movies that comes out and plays in smaller theaters even though it is every bit as slick, predictable and mainstream as anything else out there. I liked it, but I wouldn't pay to see it. It really is just a long sitcom.

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