9 October 2000
I heard quite a lot of pre-release buzz for "Smiling Fish and Goat on Fire" so naturally I planned on seeing it as soon as it hit theaters.

I must disagree with most of the other IMDB reviewers, sad to say. The movie did have its funny moments, but I have seen this type of independent romantic comedy soooo many times already. It just isn't as fresh and original as so many people have been hailing it to be.

I think the fact that this movie was made for only $40,000 is admirable. But that doesn't mean that it is a good film. The chemistry between Chris (Derick Martini) and the Italian animal wrangler was lacking. I didn't know what she saw in him, to be honest. The scenes between Chris and his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend Ali were much more intriguing.

The movie might have also been a little more interesting if it explored Tony's (Steven Martini) womanizing a bit further. It would have provided great tension in his growing relationship with the mail-woman. But instead all we get is his instant rapport with her cute, but way-too-precocious, little girl. Steven Martini has a lot of appeal, but there was no conflict in this relationship to keep my attention. ZZZZZzzzzzzz.....

I really hate to be the wet blanket as far as this movie is concerned, but it didn't really live up to my expectations. For a better and fresher independent romantic comedy, I would recommend "The Tao of Steve."
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