21 August 2002
`An instant classic!', screams the promo on the back of the box. Well, if you like unintentionally funny drama, this is one for all time.

This `film' bears all the hallmarks of an amateur promotional video for a firm of cowboy builders, and twenty times as many jokes, though none of them scripted.

Cobbled together from a skim-reading of the book of Revelation, this might just as easily have been lifted from the pages of Nostradamus. This is an amateurish production, boasting fifth-rate acting, shoddy scripting, home video-quality photography, and not-so-special special effects. There is also some bizarre product placement for, of all things, Jack Van Impe Ministries.

How on earth something so monumentally dreadful could have come from the same company that produced `Left Behind' simply beggars belief. As my friend so eloquently put it, `There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how bad this film is!'.

Whoever greenlighted this one should have walked the plank.
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