No Military Advisor?
23 March 2001
I saw this movie more than 18 months ago and have been pissed ever since because I wasted $7.00 to see it. A very bad movie with a huge amount of wasted talent. Travolta is mired in a role that is poorly written, but makes a valiant effort to recover from the script. Woods is always great (excluding "Killer") and I will watch any movie Stowe and Cromwell make. What really made me vote "2" for this movie was the way the military was presented. I'll be willing to bet that the Military Advisor didn't come to work most days. Soldiers driving HMMWVs off-duty in Dress Blues? Never! Changing a flat tire in those Blues? Are you serious? A CID agent telling a soldier that, "You're in the Army, you don't have any rights." Try reading the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Military people have more rights than American civilians. Soldiers on a live-fire ranges wearing soft caps instead of helmets would never happen. There are so many obvious falsehoods in the movie that there is not enough space to list them here. Having read several other reviews I can understand how other people, with no military service, could have overlooked the unrealistic portrayal of the Army and enjoyed the movie. But for me, with 23 years of active Army service, this was just a bad portrayal and a bad movie. Shame on the Military Advisor for letting the Director get away with so many falsehoods about a great institution.
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