A fanboys review
23 April 2001
First, I rented this movie in one of my `Bad Movie Night' moods, so I wasn't really expecting anything. Second, I really knew nothing about the movie except for the fact it had William Shatners face on the front and the title of `Free Enterprise' so I was expecting another `Trekkies' movie. I was happily wrong; this is psychotically a movie I could truly relate with.

This movie had characters, that if you are reaching 30, grew up watching to much cable re-run's of old sci-fi flicks and have a collections of comics and toys that your friends either say `MAN, I use to really want this!' or, `Your place looks like it belongs to a little boy' you could fully relate. This movie isn't for everyone, and if you don't fit into the above category, or you deny that you do, this movie isn't for you. But if you do, and you always felt a little out of place, just for the fact that you DO have a sex life, and you DON'T go around wearing XL black comic t-shirts like everyone else at the comic shop you keep your box at, this is the movie for you.

I've found a new respect for William Shatner, he was actually able to make fun of himself and the whole Star Trek phenomenon, not by insulting the following Star Trek has, but instead, he destroys the myths that so many of his `followers' had about him and the James T. Kirk persona. Primarily: Kirk was a character in a TV series.

The two main characters where both excellent examples of Fanboys that turned their boyhood obsessions into careers, but at the same time not lose site of the fact that there is more out there than just sci-fi and comics. We also got to see: stupid information that actually is useful in everyday life can be partially learned from comics and movies, just don't let others find out how you learned your info.

This movie, truly isn't for everyone, I can understand why so many people who've seen this movie didn't like it. If you can't relate to the characters and the situations, this movie could seem really foreign to a person, but if you grew up a fanboy, maybe even still are a fanboy, but know better than to wear a Star Trek uniform, this movie is for you. 8/10
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