Review of 20 Dates

20 Dates (1998)
Easy to miss the point
23 March 2000

This was a mildly amusing little film that I saw on cable. However, I am absolutely amazed at how many professional reviewers completely missed the point, which is that much of this movie is a put on. I am referring especially to the producer, Elie. That character, whom we never see, but whose recorded voice we hear throughout the film, is so obviously a parody of a crass Hollywood producer that I wondered if he really existed. Throughout the film. Elie keeps insisting that Myles try to get Tia Carrere in the film, and lo and behold, Tia appears as his last date. The only hint we get as to how she came to go out with him is her statement that she did it as a favor for Elie, and that she and Elie are "good friends." It is only at the film's end that we learn that Tia Carrere was the film's executive producer, and I later learned that she is married to Elie! That turns the whole film into an in joke, and a rather amusing one at that.
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