Review of 20 Dates

20 Dates (1998)
What's wrong with you people?
18 October 1999
A lot of people i know didn't like this movie, but i really enjoyed it. Does this mean i'm wrong? Not at all.

As egotistical as that sounds, it's true. Some people saw Myles as annoying, but i saw him as charming and focused. Some people saw this film as being a "mockumentary", but we were assured that it was real. If it was real, then what's the problem? It was still good! And if it was fake, then who cares? I was entertained, and the movie left me feeling good about myself.

I'm not usually into movies about dating, because to be honest, they're dead boring, but this movie injected life in to a dead genre. DATING MOVIES THAT ARE ACTUALLY GOOD.
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