Review of Bug Buster

Bug Buster (1998)
A collective of cut-rate actors, the cast should be a warning.
17 October 2000
With a Jame Doohan (Scotty), George Takei (Sulu), and Bernie Kopell (Doc from 'Love Boat') I knew this was a turkey, but I said, "What the hey.", and rented it for 50 cents. I expected to see them make a movie poking fun at B-movies but they are actually trying to be serious! No StarTrek or Love Boat chiche' was even attemped by the writer. There should be something to be said about the director being related to the actress (wife/girlfriend/mom who knows?) that plays the town's Doctor who is a vet. What really makes this movie so awful is, actors acting worse than you ever could expect them to act. The 'dream sequence' is played three to four times in the movie and never makes a plot connection. The bugs used are the standard hissing cockroaches and the 'Mother Bug' at the end of the movie is beyond disappointment. I would rather sit in a doctor's waiting room for an hour or two than sit through this one again.
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