Review of eXistenZ

eXistenZ (1999)
13 July 1999
I have been in contact with David Cronenberg's cinema and I must say this is the only one of his films that I haven't enjoyed in ANY perspective. It felt the whole time as if eXistenZ was an experimental film by an amateur(say, the kind of film that creates a buzz around a fresh new director). While it is not a bad film in the whole sense, anyone that has seen Crash knows that Mr.Cronenberg can be more subtle in the middle of shocking and gross sequences and possesses the talent not to insult the audience by giving them the plot on a silver plate. The plot isn't even that different or original or is nothing that we have never seen before in order for him to prepare us so much to digest(specially the ending which came out as an easy way out of a dead-end in which he probably found himself while writing the film). The performances lacked humanity and the script wasn't really helping the actors (how can anyone believe that the designer of the game was on a same level as the newbie played by Jude Law all the was so stupid that there had to be something there to explain..something as stupidly convincing as what we get to know really happened in the ending). I can completely understand how some people might really enjoy this film because it looks as if it were directed to a certain group of movie goers and not your average spectator and I must say that the whole anal reference regarding the bio-ports was a pretty good idea as the chinese restaurant sequence has some of Cronenberg's best injected into it.
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