See the old one first!
14 June 2000
In my mind of likes and dislikes this film is the exception to the rule that whichever version of something you see first, you will like better. After seeing this movie I rented the 1960s version, which now ranks as my favorite war movie. This new version is too surrealistic, and slowly glides from one confusing scene to another. This movie is like a long blur, and even by the end I couldn't tell one character from another. The advantages of this version over the old version: Vivid color over black and white, more detail (One scene has some P-39 Aircobras in the background on what I take to be Henderson Field), and a better diologue between Captain and Colonel when the former is relieved. However, despite these advances, I think the original will be far more enjoyed by the average filmgoer.
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