Zorro could have been making the sign of the Z over my head - as in "Z" for snooZe.
14 September 1998
Thank goodness for Anthony Hopkins and a few, well-choreographed sword fights or I would have given it 0 stars.

The film isn't quite sure if it's a tongue in cheek farce or a drama. Antonio Banderas comes across as a buffoon. Why is it that most big production films these days have to have the lead actors making quips every 5 minutes? How about a strong story for a change?

The film might have had a chance if Robert Rodriguez (Desperado) not dropped out as director early on. He would have brought an edge to the film that Martin Campbell, who is just one of the many Spielberg clones working for Spielberg's production company Amblin Entertainment, was not able to do.

Anthony Hopkins brought each scene he was in to a higher level. He is a fine actor that gives a presence to every character he plays - even those that are poorly written.

If you want to see an interesting Antonio Banderas film, check out Pedro Almodóvar's "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down". For a good, recent Anthony Hopkins film, check out "Surviving Picasso".

Save your $8 and wait for Zorro the "Theme Park Show" - where you can see the sword fights performed by the real stars of this film - the stunt men and women.

The film is rated PG-13 for cartoon violence.
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