Review of Sweethearts

Sweethearts (1997)
Unrealistic and hollow "entertainment"
29 February 2000
Never believe the box. I always try to tell myself that. The video box is nothing more than an extension of the publicity campaign for any movie, along with tv spots and trailers.

SWEETHEARTS, a 1996 release from Trimark, is a film that got me. Interesting premise, descriptive words and phrases. The movie turned out to be just another Hollywood-concocted, coming of age "rebel" flick; and not a good one, at that. Insecure nerd (who talks to himself constantly) Arliss answers personal ad of paranoid and manic-depressant Jasmine, who is about as likeable as having boric acid thrown in your face. The so-called animosity, begrudging respect and genuine chemistry of the two, feels contrived and forced. I never bought it for for an instant.

Among the cast, is the usually very funny Margaret Cho, as the cafe owner. Here she is wasted. She comes off more as a grouch, than humorous. Bob Goldthwait (as he is shown billed) contributes the only humor found in the flick, in the scene where he delivers coffee to the two leads. The rest of it bombs badly. SWEETHEARTS is anything but, and is dull, to boot.

Time to test faith at the video shop, to see if that "guarantee you'll like the movie" policy is worth the paper it's written on.
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