Peggy Su! (1997)
A small gem
8 July 2004
It is a familiar tale, Jane Austen in 1960s Liverpool, where the colours and costumes are as gorgeous as any period drama. It is about marriage and family and obligation and ties and yearnings for freedom, and it works well in this setting. Most of the characters are Chinese but they might as well be Brazilian or Icelandic or Nigerian.

The main character is Peggy, played with great charm and humour by Pamela Oei, who wants to be married and several men come into her orbit, some more suitable than others. Her story unravels in a sweet but not cloying way, surrounded by lots of likeable characters. The rest of the cast are fine too. The great Burt Kwouk is...well great.

The film moves along nicely, directed with just the right amounts of laughter and tears. The wedding scene is very well done. The music score is interesting and thankfully not a series of 60s pop songs. Like the character of Peggy, the film is a small gem and there is much more to it than meets the eye.
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