Like it or not, you'll remember it
13 July 2002
Little Boy Blue had me transfixed the entire time, wondering about this and that, and the final climax is startling and surprising. You think you've got it figured out, but then something (rather, someone) comes along and everything gets turned upside down.

I watched this three days ago and still can't get it out of my head. It was, as far as I can remember, the most disturbing movie I've ever watched and when I started doing some math in my head the next day, I got very, very queasy. I think this film was well acted and well made, even though certain things could have been improved. When the movie finishes you might get caught, like me, stuck between wanting to watch it again with a fresh perspective and being too hesitant to re-watch some of those scenes.

John Savage is convincing in his role as the father, you try (it's not a big effort, but it's there) not to sympathize with him and I feel you'll succeed since he is one twisted fellow. Ryan Phillippe is the title character and the story's center, but he doesn't have as much to say, it seems, as other characters. He perfects the role, though, he does an excellent and very truthful job of it. The mother, well, I disagree with the actress' portrayal of her, but I understand it. I think it should have been different, though. You sympathize with her too much and when the movie's over with and you start 'doing the math', like me, you might be left feeling quite a bit less sympathetic. Oh, and the two boys do a fantastic acting job. Those are some good child actors there. The plot is full of twists and keeps you hooked, but it does drag on a little if you're convinced you know what's going on and there's no surprise or point in watching other than to be wigged out. Believe me, it pays off. But you won't be able to figure out what's what until it's over, and then you still might be wondering about certain motivations, and well, numbers.

It isn't for the faint of heart. My mother, I know, would have a heart attack if she watched it. I recomend it, if you've got a strong stomach and a bit of patience. It's worth watching twice (kind of like The Sixth Sense, how the movie is in a new light on the second viewing), it'll have your wheels spinning. If anything can be said about it...it's unique, original and interesting...and certainly affecting.
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