Home Fries (1998)
A Cute Black Romantic Comedy?
9 June 1999
How does that work? Well. . .it does, and it doesn't. It's kind of strange, because this movie wasn't terribly complicated, but I'm still not sure what to make of it. So here's my tentative review: it's weird in a weird way. I mean, there are funny weird movies, and fun weird movies, and disgusting weird movies, and experimental weird movies, and mindless weird movies- and "Home Fries" is somehow none of those, either by an inch or by a mile. It's worth watching, don't get me wrong, but my feelings on this movie are uncharacteristically ambiguous. Drew is great, of course- she almost always is. I grew up in a tiny, Southern town, so I can vouch that the atmosphere seemed authentic. Luke Wilson is a charmingly unusual hero. Catherine O'Hara is funny as his psycho mother, and the Busey kid chews the scenery with both gusto and some amazing choppers, each obviously inherited from his dad. Some of the dialogue was really good, and there was a lot about this flick that was nicely understated. But overall...well, I occasionally get the urge to watch it again (because I like strange movies, and "Home Fries" is possessed of a strangeness I've never quite seen before,) but it certainly won't wear out before most of my other tapes. That, I guess, is the simplest and most honest review I can give it.
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