Review of RPM

RPM (1997)
This movie should have only been 'Sixty Seconds...
29 September 2000
If you were to take Gone in Sixty Seconds, and remove anything that even remotely looks like a plot, good acting, and direction, you would be left with a movie, and I use the term very loosely, called R.P.M. And the strange thing is, this movie was made way back in 1997! So I guess you could say that Jerry Bruckheimer got the idea for ‘Sixty Seconds from R.P.M…..Naw. Starring David Arquette and Famke Janssen, this `movie' is set in the south of France where Arquette is hired to steal the prototype of a gasless car named R.P.M. (Deciding the name of the car must have taken a whole 2 minutes.). Arquette and Janssen soon find themselves out for the same thing, and their `chemistry' between each other is very hard to swallow at times, all the way up to the ‘secret' they share with us by the end of the movie. Everything about this movie is wrong. From the acting, and again I use that term loosely, to the unrealistic one billion dollar paycheck for the R.P.M. If there is to be any redeeming qualities of this entire movie, I must admit that Famke Janssen is looking as beautiful as usual.

It is this reviewers opinion to spare yourself the humiliation of actually paying money to rent this, and wait until it comes on regular t.v., not even HBO, and watch it in the privacy of your own home.
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