Irresponsible film-making
27 July 2001
For me, this film started badly, with merely a terrible script and hammy acting from the ever distressed and irritating Sally Field, and quickly spiralled down to a morally repugnant finale.

Maybe I should have guessed from the title. I spent the entire film wondering who I was supposed to be sympathising with, because I cannot become attached and empathise with anyone who is so hell-bent on revenge and destruction, Kiefer Sutherland was truly evil and so I was left purely feeling for the rest of her family (Ed Harris was great as ever), who she neglected in order to partake in her little obsessive Death Wish fantasy, and who were the true victims of the story.

At least Death Wish voiced the counter arguments against vigilantism throughout the film and Bronson was given something of a reprimand at the end, whereas here the FBI agent is somewhat discredited and she is seen to get off scott free. Also Bronson became more of a social avenger driven by revenge, rather than a physcotic killer who is only out for revenge for what as happened to her, and not society as a whole.

I found this a nasty, nasty film which left me with an incredibly sour taste in my mouth.
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