Dead Girl (1996)
One of The Best movies I have ever seen!!
7 July 2004
I have seen so many movies in this life, I almost got into the movie business when I was in College, so lets say I kind of understand a bit about the subject. And I must tell everyone that this movie is brilliant!

Adam Coleman Howard is just fabulous as a director and actor in this crazy, demented, twisted, avant Gard, surreal yet hilarious movie!

Also..Val Kilmer's work is just superb as he plays hilariously Dr. Dark.

I think this is maybe the best black humor movie of the last 20 years!!!

This is a movie for a few people only. Very very selective!!

Congrats! And my fav. scene is the one Ari is playing with Helen Catherine and he takes her hand and hits himself as if she did it but she is dead....simple sketch with brilliant direction and acting.

Also..for Vanguarda-Studio from boston.. why does every single roll and aspect in the movie has to be an analogy or metaphor concerning the Hollywood machina? Cant u just think maybe just most of them? but not ALL? hehe
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