A true stinker, but you were expecting L.A. Confidential?
11 January 2003
Yes, this movie truly does suck. But observe my review summary folks. I'm not going to say I liked this movie, but it is a Power Rangers flick after all. It's supposed to be bad! I'm sure that when the writers were cooking this up they intentionally threw in average dialogue and bad fighting. After all, when the crowd you're trying to appeal to is a bunch of 5-year-old boys who run around in clunky Power Rangers costumes and wear PR underwear, you know you don't have to work too hard.

I'll admit I never was a Power Rangers fan. I can still remember back in the mid-90's when the show was huge, and a lot of my friends were into it. But even at age 6 I never did view Power Rangers as a ray of hope from the heavens like most boys. I always thought their outfits were stupid and that the villains looked dumb. And at age 13 my opinion hasn't changed one bit (Gee, go figure.). But you see, the reason we ended up with this monstrosity is because we received it as a Christmas gift from one of my dad's students, and she comes from a family that doesn't have a lot of money, so forgive.

Now, let's get down to the point. In some construction yard an egg containing the evil Ivan Ooze (Oh god...here we go) has been dug up and opened, releasing the evil piece of snot to terrorize the world, even though he couldn't pull off a robbery at a convenience store. Ooze goes to the Power Rangers' control center and destroys everything, leaving the place in ruins and stripping leader Zordon of his powers. The Power Rangers must go to some planet and learn some powers to save him and destroy Ooze. As if the plot isn't bad enough, the film only gets worse. The first sequence has the Poopy Rangers sky-diving while a pop version of Stevie Wonder plays in the background. The song is catchy, but come on: Why is music from a genuine musician like Stevie Wonder in such a lifeless film? Anyway, let's skip everything and go to where our "heroes" discover Ivan's egg, and then engage in an incredibly fake battle with Ooze's drones. Then comes the parking garage scene, where the Rangers constantly strike their stupid fighting pose and react to drops of water. Then they find the boogers and fight them while simultaneously delivering sucky catch phrases every 3 seconds, a tradition that is revived later on. I couldn't spot any cables or tracks, but you can still tell they're being used anyway. For instance, how do you explain the scene with the blue ranger falling but going into a pillar rather than touching the ground? Nuff said. They eventually squash all of the goobers, and let me state that the scenes of them getting squashed aren't the least bit violent. I don't need to explain the rest, for it only gets dumber somehow. And I'll let you in on a very surprising secret: I haven't even watched it all the way through. I would have seen everything, but my parents told me I didn't have to watch it to be nice. Even as a teen you've got to admit that mom and dad are always right, and they were definitely right on this stinker. On the only plus side, Paul Freeman does actually deliver a good performance as Ivan Ooze, and is given the only lines that are sort of funny. He also seemed to be the only one who cared amidst an entire crew whose only intentions were to release a 6-year-old junk flick.

I'd say more, but I feel what I have stated is enough. One thing's for sure: I will never, ever forgive myself for watching this steaming pile of s***.

I'm gonna go watch some Spanish soaps now.

Overall rating: 1 out of 5.
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