Interesting... very interesting..
11 January 2001
I tuned into this movie, hoping that it would maybe, just maybe make me LIKE Elizabeth Taylor. Boy was I wrong. Miss Taylor, as beautiful as she may have been on the outside, was not the same on the inside. She was an alcoholic and addicted to pain pills, not to mention she was addicted to men. As a huge Debbie Reynolds fan, this movie made me want to throw something at the screen when Eddie Fisher and Elizabeth Taylor began their affair together. Debbie and Elizabeth had been very good friends (Debbie and Eddie even named their second child Todd, after Elizabeth's husband Michael Todd who was supposedly Eddie's "best friend") and then Elizabeth and Eddie had to go off and sleep together after Mike's death. It totally lowered my respect for both of them. The only good thing I can say for Elizabeth Taylor is how she saved Montgomery Clift's life. That was truly wonderful. The movie was rather good, however... I do think that they could have gotten some better actors and actresses to play the part. (The girl playing Liz had a highly annoying voice and didn't remind me much of Ms. Taylor and the girl playing Debbie just maid Debbie look like TOO MUCH of a goody-goody/bumbling idiot.) Not the best, but a good movie... for Liz fans that is...
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