A different comment
18 January 2003
I am not going to comment on the racial issues, many people have already done that. I am just going to write a bit about the "date-rape".

Kristy Swanson's character got drunk and went to the guy's room. They were all very hot and it was obvious that they were going to have sex. When the guy, Billy, has almost finished taking off her clothes, she doesn't say "don't", she says "use a condom". But he doesn't listen to her and keeps on doing her business. The girl freaks out not because she doesn't want to have sex, but because she might get pregnant or catch something.

Something makes me think that this is a very common situation. Should it be considered as rape? Well yes, of course, it could have have been avoided if the guy had gotten out of bed, put a condom and returned to the girl. And the girl had all the right to change her mind, after realizing the dangers this particular sex act would cause.

As for Kirstin's role in the feminist group. I don't see her as the "poor weak girl that was raped buy the big strong drunk guy she trusted". I see her as a woman being declined her right to have safe sex buy the horny drunk guy she trusted.
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