Cold Comfort Farm (1995 TV Movie)
Austen powered...
23 July 2004
I hesitated on renting this as I feared I would be a bit too "Clueless" (and for the same reason, I've not seen that film either). However, a favored friend of mine wuthered on about this, so I decided to watch it.

The bottom line, I probably should have read the Austen first. But I really have no desire to do that still... Then again, my wife, who loved "Pride and Prejudice" (firstly on page then secondly on Firth) couldn't quite muster enough interest to stick with this film. A possible litmus test may be how funny you find the family name "Starkadder."

If your reaction is "Oh heavens, what a laugh..." or really any thing that starts with "Oh heavens..." then you are likely going to love this film. I'm not trying to fan this film with such dainty's meant to be a whimsical film. The characters are realized in a way that's more suited to the stage than to the silver or plasma screen in my opinion. To be fair, it was apparently a made-for-TV my estimation it might have been a better made-for-radio-play.

I suspect this film will grow on me over time, and while I won't bust a gut now on it...when I am ready to titter...I'll reach for this. And I do expect tittering is probably a good 10 to 20 years off... Even at this point, I did enjoy a blubbery, blustery Ian McKellen, and Harry Ditson as the star-maker rain-maker from Hollywood. Others have mentioned those, but above all I could have used more of Trevor Baxter...that's who did it for me, the butler!

Of course, in this sort of drama, the butler as part of the underprivileged class is allowed to be smart...even smarter than the upper class women. Meanwhile the men are buffoons or hunks and preferrably both. I would have killed for at least a cad, a rapscallion or a ne'er-do-well!

I'm kidding..that honestly is not what prevented me from enjoying this film more. Actually the "golden orb" mocking of a very fresh-faced Kate Beckinsale was a nice laugh at the expense of her wrought dreams of writing. The film does use that tried and true repetition for comedic effect at times...with awareness to have all of the Starkadders roll deaf eyes when arch-matriarch Ada Doom started on one of her spells...

I guess I'm more of a fan of odd juxtapositions for comedy, along with family dysfunction (or other societal expectations) twisted through neurosis and out the other side. This kind of plays upon that, but from another era...and exaggerated out of any sense of proportion.

In retrospect, I can envision a pretty funny film, but watching it the first time, I never really fell under its powers. My destiny was the only one Robert Poste's child could not quite chart. Not to say I didn't appreciate the approach (in America I fear we would have cast Goldie Hawn or Fran Dresser in the lead role, sacrificing blithe beneficience for ditzy blundering...)

That would have got a negative 3 from me, this I gave a

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