M.A.N.T.I.S. (1994–1995)
28 September 2002
This is somewhat compared to Batman. Only thing Miles Hawkins(Carl Lumbly) is crippled, and the only way he can walk, when he puts on the exoskeleton. And when puts it on he has great powers. He is called the superhero named M.A.N.T.I.S. An enjoyable show that tried to be up there Lois and Clark,The New Adventures of Superman, and The Incredible Hulk, but it died trying. Although Carl Lumbly held it together has long has he could. But he just could not save the show from bad writing, and bad acting. But I'll give it credit for not being campy like some of the superhero shows where. Most of the episodes in the beginning did pretty well, My personal favorite episode was Gloves Off, but the worst was Solder of Fortune. It could have lasted more seasons if it could have had better written episode. But it was enjoyable most of the time.
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