A haunting look at one of the most brutal periods in history (contains spoilers)
4 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Spielberg directs what is arguably considered one of his best films, the poignant and terribly depressing SCHINDLER'S LIST. Shot in stark black and white to display the gritty atmosphere of the

concentration camps, SCHINDLER'S LIST portrays the life of Oskar

Schindler, a greedy, womanizing Nazi businessman who has a change of heart after witnessing the slaughter of the Jews during the Holocaust. Playing the role of Schindler is Liam Neeson, who expresses a profound mix of feelings that his character must have endured: loyalty for his fellow Nazi comrades, and sympathy for the victims of the travesty. Quite the opposite is Ralph Finnes, who portrays the stone- cold Nazi stooge Amon Goeth. There are no feelings other than disgust and resentment towards Goeth, who callously and thoughtlessly kills every Jewish prisoner in his camps. The excessive images of carnage and gore might turn off some viewers, but they're shown to prove the horrors of the Holocaust, and the rampant, hateful image of the Nazis. Sure enough, I couldn't get the depressing, haunting scenes of death out of my head. But, thanks to Schindler, hope was restored to those poor people, proving there is hope when it looks impossible to exist.
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