The Johnsons (1992)
effective unique thriller
2 August 2004
Never read any reviews of this movie, until I called it up today. I'd thought it was fairly obscure until Anchor Bay put it out. (Never seen their version.) Had mine for years. Surprised by all the complaints about the dubbing, it's never a problem on mine. I have always liked this one, it's not the usual pile of cliches. It does try very hard to lose it's national character, and could easily pass for some more European origin. the acting is good, but seems stilted by some odd relationships, and a tendency towards cliche in some of the more minor parts. The payoff on the ancient ritual is played like most slasher films, but is elevated slightly by the backstory. And the image of the preserved Xangadix fetus in amber, is rather haunting in the conclusion. Probably aimed at an American audience, but possibly a bit much for some crowds. It's not everybody's cup of fungus, but it isn't bad.
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