How the target audience feels
16 September 2002
I remember when I first saw this movie. I was a measely three years old. And I thought it was just really cool, because I was a little kid, and I watched the cartoon. Even though this movie is closer to the Mirage Studios comic book I still thought it was cool.

Now, well, I have to admit I still like it. It's hard to not like something you liked for a long long time. I have this movie on DVD, and I think that it's just as cool as ever.

But will someone who was not a little kid back then like this movie now? No, I really don't think so. You'd probably find it to be too strange, too confusing, and just too kiddie-like.

Not that this movie was all for little kids. It had some depth to it lacking in the old cartoon. There are things like violence, teenagers gambling, stealing, and smoking cigars, and, my favorite, a joke that I only got after watching the movie on DVD, about six or seven years since the last time I saw it:

Donatello to Casey: "You're a claustrophobic."

Casey to Donatello: "Hey, I've never even LOOKED at another guy!"
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