Gandahar (1987)
aesthetically pleasing but largely free of content
10 May 2001
This appears to be an animated version of some semi-erotic European SF comic. While arguably some of the animation is undetailed and stingy with motion, creative art direction offsets this to a large degree. In fact, a good deal of this movie is jaw dropping, sweeping vistas of Flash-Gordon-meets-Hieronymous-Bosch. If only it was as well animated as, say, He-man, well, then you'd really have something. The plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense, it's something at once simplistic about killer robots at the beck and call of this giant glans-brain-anus beaked floating squid thing, and something overly convoluted about potato faced mutants and time travel. The later have a speaking device which will not add to your comprehension of the ending of the movie about talking in then-now-later, "I will did are going gone went over under behind then now later." May well be as enjoyable with your favorite psychedelic music as soundtrack instead of that business, fun to watch high. If you like Barbarella or Heavy Metal, you'll dig this.
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