How 'Three O'Clock High' ever escaped through the 80's crack is beyond me
27 May 1999
This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Should I be ashamed to say this? Probably. And let me just say by 'best', that's about 50 or so odd films, at least, all of varying genres. So, let's just say in terms of comedies, it's one of teh best. As far as 80's films? Totally underrated. I've watched this film about 30 times, several of them in my teens on Showtime or whatever, and the theme song, "Something to Remember Me By" is no top 40 hit by any stretch of the imagination, yet I used to hum it all the time (until finally tracking down the soundtrack CD). What is the lasting appeal of this film? Beats me. Technically, it's brilliant: lots of fluid camera work, music video-y filming that's somehow less MTVish than the current crop of teen films, and an amazingly zippy pace that careens one from plot point to plot point while somehow never seeming rushed or jumbled. As for the film itself, it's typical teen stuff (a teenage 'hell day,' essentially), but done with so much panache that any child of the 80's can't help not loving it. 'Don't ---- this one up, Mitchell!' Jerry's unorthodox book report. The Tangerine Dream score. Cooking pop-tarts in the microwave with fresh-from-the-washer clothing. 'At 3:00, you and I are gonna fight out in that parking lot and there's nothing you can do about it'... Long live this film!
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