17 June 2003
"Shock!Shock!Shock!" is an excellent, intentionally cheap science fiction horror comedy. I'm a man who loves his B movies, and Todd Rutt and Arn McConnel evidently do as well. This black and white thriller was filmed on what looks like super 8 with sound recorded afterward right there in the editing room. The acting is purposly emotive as are the special effects purposly bad and the plot twists purposly out to lunch. The filmmakers went out of their way to make this one stink with punky style. Never boring, the movie opens with a kid playing with blocks on the floor framed by the legs of his parents standing over him kissing and talking about how wonderful life is. The kid gets mad, knocks over his blocks and toddles off screen. The parents laugh at the little guy and go on to muse about how perfect life is when all of a sudden they're attacked! We see a close-up of a stabbing knife, a close up of a woman's screaming mouth, buckets of black blood falling all over with lunks of spam in it, and then we fade into an overview of the little toddler holding the same blood-drenched knife that is almost as big as he is. I wont spoil anymore of it for you, but the plot gets even more ridiculous and unpredictable. "Shock!Shock!Shock!" has been one of my favorites for years now, friends I haven't seen for years still ask me about it: "What was that one totally whacked out movie...where do I find it?" It's available on VHS last I saw, and often found in the cult section of major video stores. Give it a look!
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