18 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is a tricky case. "Alien Predator" is a pretty terrible movie, but its redeeming points are there. You just need to now how to look for them. What it's about is three young people heading through Spain in a RV on vacation. They come across a town called Duarte and discover that the nearly deserted village is populated by some strange people who get nosebleeds a lot. What's going on is that, five years before, there was a space station that had been doing some nice, little experiments ("The results on the test animals were horrendous!") and, somehow, all that loveliness came crashing down into a Spanish desert just outside of Duarte. The microbes that cause the mess laid dormant for the following five years, and took effect just in time to catch our three protagonists at the time of their arrival. Now, they have to figure out how they're going to save the world from microbes that are already airborne and cause everybody who comes into close contact with them to go nuts within 48 hours of original contact before exploding in a gory mess as an alien creature emerges from their bodies. They get some help from a scientist who was involved, and, boy, does that help go a long way! Why do I say this? Watch this until the end and judge for yourself. Yes, I have to give a spoiler alert: SPOILER ALERT! They don't save the world. The end! Now, what did the filmmakers do wrong? Let's really think about this. Despite how cheezy the movie is, it generates some fairly well-executed moments of tension and suspense. Also, the gooey, gory effects are done pretty well, and the creature effects are kept pretty brief (showing that these people knew that they were dealing with a low budget). After all, if they would've shown the creature too much longer, it probably would have looked too damn fake. Another thing is that most of the cast holds up pretty well, and, furthermore, there are some great moments of humor. Everything else was practically done wrong, and not in a laughable way. Even with redeeming points, this is one of those movies that's just so bad it's bad. The ending I don't mind so much. Sure, the acting was generally good, but the actors were working with what they had been given, and what they had been given was not a whole hell of a lot. I must say that the characters aren't really people that you'd be wanting to save the world, seeing as how, in their spare time, they are competing for sex, even after the trouble has long begun. I think the main reason that I don't have a problem with the ending is this: Why should the world be saved? If you ask me, the end of the world would be a relief!
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