American Playhouse: Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1983)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
A cosmic case of the cutes
29 January 2004
Like most actors, Julia never got big enough to say no to crap; yet it is amazing to contemplate that "Overdrawn" was made the same year as "Kiss Of The Spider Woman"; which made him at least close to an A list actor. In any case, Julia's Bogie is enough to make Fred Travolina smirk.

From the forced, irrelevant pun of the title on (is having a "dopple" really designed to effect your "memory?", oh never mind) what makes "Overdrawn" not just a misguided failure but an object of scorn is it's makers clearly believed every "oh so precious" half baked idea was some breakthrough of vision.

Like another MST3K film "The Undead", Memory involves the saga of someone lying helpless while in some loosely defined demension fights to save himself from...something. Apparently they filmmakers had had another PBS film go better. Good for them. Do the pledge doaners of PBS know that not only is there money being spent on crap, but that the cheapskates are running up to Canada to avoid unions and deprive American workers of jobs?

One of the worst plot wrinkles in that ah, somehow, Fingle's problems begin when some school kids are allowed to come in and cause havoc in an area where people's brains are exposed. This may be what happened at PBS New York back in 85.
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