A heart-warming drama that doubled as a good change of pace for Spielberg
18 March 2002
Steven Spielberg took a break from doing blockbuster action and science fiction films to direct the endearing drama THE COLOR PURPLE. Whoopi Goldberg stars in her most dramatic piece of work as Celie, the quiet, down-trodden African-American woman forced to endure the

physical and emotional torment delivered to her by her own husband, played with frightening intensity by Danny Glover. An example of how much trouble Celie has to go through is the way she's forced to

address her husband, by calling him "Mr." Is that abuse or what? But admist her pain, Celie gets by by keeping faith in the Lord above. All performances involved, and Spielberg's surprisingly subtle

direction, make for a great dramatic movie. A definite must-see for fans of movies that touch the heart.
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