Good story about a brave boy who recognizes his Native roots to be important
11 February 2004
After watching a film like this one, I can tell that its very touching because it shows how Isaac literally struggled throughout his young life and still survived through all that racism that he endured. I think it was the way his mother left him too young along with the racism that made him so bitter and mad at the world all the time. I would be too if that happened to me. However he stayed true to his Native roots all the way through and he ended up coming out on top! :D He didn't necessarily have to take the man hostage in the Varco's household like that but he did it because he really cared about his stepfather and his family as well. He finally got fed up with the Varcos hounding him and his new family so he took matters into his own hands by defending himself and the family. It was a good thing that the Varco kids admitted that they burned down the store because I think Isaac would have really burned the house to the ground.

Well............ anyways............ it is a good film to watch all round. Thanks for allowing me to post these comments.
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